If you lose your Uniformed Services ID Card, go to the nearest Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) site and obtain your new card. The nearest is the National Guard Readiness Center at Fort Dalles, billed as “the finest single-unit armory in the country” and housed on the campus of Columbia Gorge Community College. Veterans … Continued
Apply by printing, reading, and filling out the Concealed Handgun License Application. Please note that the public cannot bring a gun, even with a permit, into the Sherman County Courthouse. The Concealed Handgun License Notice lists other places in the county (and beyond) where members of the public cannot legally carry a gun, even with … Continued
Select the “Controlled Hunt” option on the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife license ordering page. Find big-game details at the Columbia and Central Oregon Big Game Hunting sections of the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife website.
The Oregon statute ORS 166.291 sets forth required training (and other application requirements) for a concealed handgun license. Options include NRA-certified handgun classes or https://oregonchl.org.
Concealed Handgun License renewal is $50 for out-of-state applicants and $65 for new applicants. There is no cost for Sherman County residents to renew their license; a renewal is required every four years. Note that license holders should renew in their county of residence.
Yes, it is preferred that an appointment is made. Call the Sherman County Sheriff’s Office at (541) 565-3622 to schedule a time between 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.