What is mitigation?
Mitigation may take the form of a reduction in the presumptive fine, the ability to make incremental payments, or any other requests a defendant may have of the Court.
Mitigation may take the form of a reduction in the presumptive fine, the ability to make incremental payments, or any other requests a defendant may have of the Court.
Your license can be suspended for many reasons. Your local DMV is the best place to start, where you can request information on the pending suspension. If your suspension is due to outstanding fines in this court, you should contact us for your options.
No. Tickets in Justice Court are violations and not crimes. As there is no possible penalty of jail time, you will not get a court-appointed lawyer and you are not entitled to a jury trial.
Yes, as the license suspension action is honored by other states and by provinces in Canada. A collection agency will seek to enforce the debt in all states and in Canada. Other states will also put the conviction in your case on your driving record in your home state. (Of note, some pre-paid legal services … Continued
The court cannot give legal advice. You may wish to consult your own attorney. If you have questions or need legal advice, you may need to consult with legal counsel of your own choice. If you do not have an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar Referral Service at 1 (800) 452-7636.
If you do not make a first appearance, the court will find you guilty by default and the presumptive fine will be imposed. If you do not pay that fine, the Court has the authority to initiate the suspension of your driving privilege; therefore, it is important that you work with the Court to maintain … Continued
No. Under Oregon law, you are required to have the ticket decided in the court in which you were cited to appear.
If you are convicted of a traffic violation, the court is required to inform the Oregon DMV, and the DMV will put the conviction on your driving record. If you live outside of Oregon, the Oregon DMV will send the information to your home state. If you enroll in and successfully complete the Traffic Diversion … Continued
If you contact the court before your court date, the Court will typically allow a one-time, two-week continuance for entry of plea. Instructions for rescheduling a trial are included in the Order Setting Hearing. Please see the Covid-19 update.
You can request a trial by affidavit or declaration. You and the officer would be required to submit written sworn testimony in the form of an affidavit. Witnesses may also submit affidavits. The judge reads the affidavits and makes a decision. To request a trial by affidavit, enter a not guilty plea and ask for … Continued