FAQ Topic: Services & safety

Is there a senior center or community center nearby?

Sherman County manages the Sherman County Senior & Community Center at 300 Dewey Street in Moro, open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with lunch at noon Monday through Friday and activities throughout the week. There you’ll find meetings, exercise classes, social gatherings, and technology training.

How do I get notified of county emergency alerts?

Sign up for the Ever Bridge alert system at https://member.everbridge.net/index/892807736724035#/login to receive alerts whenever a public emergency happens. Messages can be sent to individuals using a variety of contact mechanisms, including cell phones, landlines, emails, and text messaging in minutes. Citizens listed in the 9-1-1 database (phone books) are automatically subscribed by landline. However, we … Continued

What is the Frontier Regional Alert Mass Notification system?

The Frontier Regional Alert Mass Notification system is an Emergency Notification system designed to provide emergency notifications to residents and businesses. An emergency notification system gives Sherman County emergency management the ability to deliver pre-recorded emergency notifications and information messages. The system utilizes home phones, cell phones, texts, and electronic mail messaging. The system within … Continued

How can I help kids in the community?

Thanks for asking! Sherman County is building a Prevention team that will look into strategies to promote healthy life choices. There also are a variety of youth programs you can volunteer for; you can join the Parent Teacher Organization/Boosters, become a Scholar reader, mentor a youth, train to be a Court-Appointed Special Advocate, and become … Continued

I think a child is being abused or neglected. What do I do?

Be cautious and refer the information for a professional to decide if there’s a safety threat — it is a confidential call and could save a life. Please call the Child Abuse Hotline at 1 (855) 541-0042. Note that Sherman County has one of the highest per-capita rates of enforcement against child abuse in Oregon.

What resources are there for people who have been a victim of a crime?

Information for victims of crime / domestic violence can be found at http://www.courts.oregon.gov/programs/family/domestic-violence/Pages/default.aspx. There’s also a Victim’s Advocacy Program, reached through the Sherman County District Attorney’s Office at (541) 565-3534.

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