What is mitigation?
Mitigation may take the form of a reduction in the presumptive fine, the ability to make incremental payments, or any other requests a defendant may have of the Court.
Mitigation may take the form of a reduction in the presumptive fine, the ability to make incremental payments, or any other requests a defendant may have of the Court.
“The Citizen Reporter” is Sherman County’s bi-monthly newsletter, produced by the County Court Administrative Assistant. The newsletter contains events and news submitted by entities within the County. Each edition is published online, with printed copies sent to residents countywide. Extra copies often can be found at the Sherman County Senior/Community Center in Moro, Oregon.
There are four courts that hold court at the historic courthouse in Moro, Sherman County’s “county seat.” For traffic tickets or small claims, go to the Justice Court. For DUII diversions or divorces, go to the Circuit Court. For juvenile crimes or child-custody cases, go to Juvenile Court. For governing issues to take in front … Continued
Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 813.215) prohibit courts from allowing any outcome that would mask a conviction for a commercial driver.
Sherman County Justice Court is the judicial branch of county government. It processes citations issued by law enforcement agencies for traffic violations, boating violations, fish and game violations, and other civil violations. The Court also handles small claims and eviction actions, and the Court’s Justice of the Peace performs weddings as the schedule permits.
Sherman County Court (Sherman County Board of Commissioners) sets policy and manages the business affairs of the county, including apportioning and levying taxes and overseeing the organization and budgeting of all county programs. Called a “County Court” to reflect historical responsibilities of the office, the Chairman of the Board is the County Judge who handles … Continued
Contact the Sherman County Court Administrative Assistant at (541) 565-3416 or countycourt@shermancounty.net to meet with Judge Dabulskis. Contact the Justice Court at (541) 565-3572 to meet with Judge Johnson.
Judge Dabulskis handles juvenile and probate court matters.
The Justice Court judge is Justice of the Peace Shandie Johnson.
The Sherman County Court judge is Judge Joe Dabulskis.