FAQ Tag: fighting a citation
If you are convicted of a traffic violation, the court is required to inform the Oregon DMV, and the DMV will put the conviction on your driving record. If you live outside of Oregon, the Oregon DMV will send the information to your home state. If you enroll in and successfully complete the Traffic Diversion … Continued
If you received a ticket for certain violations AND fixed or corrected the violation AND you can show proof to a violations clerk, prior to your court appearance, your citation may be eligible to be dismissed. Follow the process at http://www.courts.oregon.gov/courts/sherman/programs-services/Pages/Violations-Bureau.aspx.
If you have received a ticket for a traffic violation or some other form of violation, there is a way to request mitigation. Mitigation must be requested prior to making any payment for that ticket. Visit the Justice Court page to review that steps you must follow to request mitigation and dispute a ticket. (Note … Continued