FAQ Topic: Sheriff’s Office / Police

How do I report a crime in progress?

Call 9-1-1. Non-emergency calls should go to (541) 565-3622. Crime victims also have support as detailed in this Victim’s Assistance Brochure.

What is NORCOR?

Northern Oregon Regional Correctional Facilities, otherwise known as “NORCOR,” is a Regional Adult Corrections and Juvenile Detention complex that serves four counties: Gilliam, Hood River, Sherman, and Wasco counties. (In separate agreements, NORCOR also serves Benton County, the U.S. Marshals and Immigrations & Customs Enforcement [ICE].) NORCOR is in nearby The Dalles, Oregon. It is … Continued

Can I get a circuit court citation dismissed?

If you received a ticket for certain violations AND fixed or corrected the violation AND you can show proof to a violations clerk, prior to your court appearance, your citation may be eligible to be dismissed. Follow the process at http://www.courts.oregon.gov/courts/sherman/programs-services/Pages/Violations-Bureau.aspx.

How do I get involved with the Sherman County Prevention program?

The Prevention Program works closely with the Sherman County School District, Juvenile Court, and Sheriff’s Office — as well as other government and non-government agencies — to provide information and alternative activities for the youth of Sherman County.  To become involved, see the job descriptions and applications at the bottom of the Prevention page.

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