FAQ Topic: Resident incentives
Sherman County offers four separate ways to receive housing incentives: Rental Housing Development Grant – This grants offers a $10,000-per-unit incentive to people who build new rental units for others in Sherman County to rent. Fill out the Rental Housing Development Application and return to Mid Columbia Economic Development District (MCEDD), 802 Chenowith Loop rd, … Continued
Find the checklist for residency standards on the Sherman County Residency Checklist page.
Print and fill out the Civics Education Program Funding Request Application, and submit it to the Office of the Sherman County Court, 500 Court Street, Moro.
Sherman County’s Enterprise Zone gives property tax relief for new, non-retail businesses within the zone. If you plan to open a new, non-retail business, contact Sherman County’s Enterprise Zone Manager at (541) 565-3601 to find out if you qualify for this tax relief.
Residents of Sherman County become eligible for the Resident Incentive Program after they have lived here one year. This one-year residency requirement must be met by the time applications are due, which is August 31 each year. Applicants must apply every year to receive payment. The current payment is $590 per household, per year, and … Continued
After a year of residency, those who move to (or remain in) Sherman County are eligible for payments through the Sherman County Resident Incentive Program, established in 2009. The current payment is $590 per household per year and must be applied for each year.