Wasco State Airport serves Wasco and Sherman County and is owned by Oregon Department of Aviation. The paved runway extends for 3,450 feet. The facility is at an elevation of 1,459 to 1,503 feet, about one mile from Wasco. Find details on the State of Oregon’s Wasco Airport page (FAA). Meanwhile, there also are a … Continued
“The Citizen Reporter” is Sherman County’s bi-monthly newsletter, produced by the County Court Administrative Assistant. The newsletter contains events and news submitted by entities within the County. Each edition is published online, with printed copies sent to residents countywide. Extra copies often can be found at the Sherman County Senior/Community Center in Moro, Oregon.
Read about school options on the County’s Public Education page. Sherman County also has an active home-schooling population, with a variety of resources included on that page.
Sherman County recently won the National Association of Counties’ Innovation Award and the Oregon Connections Technology Award for its Wireless Internet Network Development (WIND), a fiber optic project intended to dramatically increase available Internet speed within the county! (A fiber optic line now runs from Grass Valley to Wasco, with a Wasco-to-Rufus line expected summer … Continued
Postal address change forms are online. If you’re not yet in town, but your mail is, sign up for https://informeddelivery.usps.com/box/pages/intro/start.action to receive scanned images of the mail being delivered to your new address.
If you have recently relocated to Sherman County, or would like to change your political party or official name, you can change your voter registration address at http://sos.oregon.gov/voting/Pages/updatevoterregistration.aspx.