You can pay property taxes by mail, by phone, online, or by dropping it by the Sherman County Courthouse. Find payment details on the Tax Collector’s “Options for Payment” page. Property owners may appeal the value of their property or penalties assessed for late filing of real or personal property returns. All personal property tax … Continued
No, currently Sherman County does not have property information available online. However, you can come by the Sherman County Courthouse between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to get titling, zoning, property line, and other information from the County Clerk’s Office or the Assessor’s Office.
The Sherman County Tax Office sends out manufactured structure tax statements in late October of each year representing taxes for the current tax year, July 1 through June 30. The tax is due each year by November 15th.
Sherman County’s Board of Property Tax Appeals offers a process for citizens to request a reduction of the value of their buildings, manufactured structures, land, industrial machinery, and industrial equipment. Appeal forms are online; see “How to appeal your property value” for further details on the hearing process. Note that property value, not taxes, are … Continued
The Sherman County Tax Office sends out four distinctly different property tax statements — real, personal, manufactured structures, and utility — in late October of each year representing taxes for the current tax year, July 1 through June 30.
There is a change of address form located on the back of the return portion of your statement. Simply fill this out and return with your payment. If you have yet to receive your tax statement, simply contact the Finance Director to update your address information.
If your property tax statement is green, it simply means that no mortgage company has requested your tax statement. If you have recently refinanced or changed lenders, your mortgage company may not have requested your tax statements. The property owner is responsible for making sure that property taxes are paid. If you are not sure … Continued
If your property tax statement is yellow, it means either a mortgage company or the Disabled and Senior Citizens Property Tax Deferral Program is paying your property tax for you. This statement is for your records.
If your property tax statement is yellow, it means that a mortgage company has requested your tax statement. Seniors taking part in the Senior Citizens Property Tax Deferral Program also receive a yellow tax statement. If your mortgage company or the Senior Citizens Property Tax Deferral Program pays your property taxes for you, then this … Continued
You can pay by mail, at the Courthouse, by telephone, or online. There’s a “convenience fee” — levied by our secure-payment processor — for the latter two options. See our “Options for Payment” page for specifics.