Archives: FAQs

What happens if I don’t pay my Business Personal Property taxes?

Taxes on Business Personal Property become delinquent whenever any installment is not paid on or before the due date. The tax collector will send a notice of delinquency showing the total amount due, including interest when any tax payment is not made. If no payment is received, the tax collector may: Issue a warrant for … Continued

How is the value determined for Business Personal Property taxes?

Personal Property is subject to the same levy rate as Real Property. The Assessor depreciates the value of your Personal Property each year based on the list of equipment you have provided, which includes cost new and the original purchase date of each individual item. All of our depreciation schedules are based on guidelines set … Continued

What is Business Personal Property?

Most people know that property tax applies to real property, such as land and buildings. However, some may not know that property tax also applies to Business Personal Property. The characteristic that distinguishes Business Personal Property from real property is mobility. Business Personal Property is property that is not affixed to, or part of, real estate. … Continued

Why is an Appraiser at my house?

Appraisers might visit your property to Verify the terms and conditions of a recent sale Verify and/ or update the property characteristics and condition Appraise new construction Appraise remodels and additions Appraise property for removal of exemptions or adjudications from prior appeals This is not an all- inclusive list. Appraisers may visit property for other … Continued

Why did my property taxes increase more than 3%?

This is a common misperception. Actually, Measure 50 only limits Maximum Assessed Value (MAV) increases to 3% per year for unchanged property. It does not limit either Assessed Value (AV) or tax rates. Taxes may increase more than 3% due to: Changes in the tax rate for your Levy Code Area, such as when a … Continued

What airports are in Sherman County?

Wasco State Airport serves Wasco and Sherman County and is owned by Oregon Department of Aviation. The paved runway extends for 3,450 feet. The facility is at an elevation of 1,459 to 1,503 feet, about one mile from Wasco. Find details on the State of Oregon’s Wasco Airport page (FAA). Meanwhile, there also are a … Continued

What is mitigation?

Mitigation may take the form of a reduction in the presumptive fine, the ability to make incremental payments, or any other requests a defendant may have of the Court.

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