FAQ Tag: citations

What sort of cases are handled by the Sherman County Justice Court?

Sherman County Justice Court is the judicial branch of county government. It processes citations issued by law enforcement agencies for traffic violations, boating violations, fish and game violations, and other civil violations. The Court also handles small claims and eviction actions, and the Court’s Justice of the Peace performs weddings as the schedule permits.

Can I get a circuit court citation dismissed?

If you received a ticket for certain violations AND fixed or corrected the violation AND you can show proof to a violations clerk, prior to your court appearance, your citation may be eligible to be dismissed. Follow the process at http://www.courts.oregon.gov/courts/sherman/programs-services/Pages/Violations-Bureau.aspx.

What is the Sherman County Justice Court, and what types of cases does it handle?

Sherman County Justice Court is the judicial branch of county government. It processes citations issued by law enforcement agencies for traffic violations, boating violations, fish and game violations, and other civil violations. The Court also handles small claims and eviction actions. Meanwhile, the Court’s Justice of the Peace can perform weddings as time allows.

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