Word Cloud for Sherman County's Prevention Program

Sherman County Prevention


Deanna Christiansen
Prevention Coordinator & Community Outreach

500 Court Street
Moro, OR 97039

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 263
Moro, OR 97039

Sherman County Prevention

About Sherman County Prevention

The Sherman County Prevention program provides educational information to the public and youth regarding unsafe and unhealthy behaviors.

The long-term goal of the Sherman County Prevention Program is to decrease youth consumption of alcohol and drugs, to decrease dangerous sexualized behavior, and to increase suicide prevention — all using nationally recognized and recommended strategies.

To accomplish this goal, the Prevention Program focuses on:

Environmental Influence and Deterrents: 

  • Participation in studies and surveys
  • Collaboration with other organizations and agencies to work toward and enhance efforts
  • Closely working with the Sherman County Sheriff’s Office, which STRONGLY enforces alcohol and drug-related laws, particularly among youth
  • Participation in influencing regulatory changes
  • Community involvement and influence in youth programs.

Partners and Cooperative Agencies Community-Based Processes:

Providing Alternative Activities:

  • Swim Bus -  Transportation is provided to and from the Goldendale pool to allow youth the opportunity to socialize and learn to swim during the summer months with adult supervision
  • Missoula Children’s Theater (MTC) - Allows an opportunity for all school-age kids to explore creativity through the art of theater
  • Oregon Youth Conservation Corps (OYCC) - An opportunity for students to build positive experiences, work skills, personal responsibility, and a commitment to education; youth aged 14-25 complete projects such as trail construction and maintenance, landscaping, planting, wetlands/bank/stream restoration, invasive species (weed) removal, construction, gardening, greenhouse projects, and community stewardship.
  • Open Gym Collaborative with Sherman County Wellness Center: providing a safe, welcoming environment for SC youth to explore physical wellness.

Problem identification and referral:

Through the collaborative efforts throughout Sherman County, the Prevention Program submits statistical data gathered through surveys to the State of Oregon to identify areas of concern specific to Sherman County. By building relationships in the community, the Prevention Program aims to foster communication and the ability for Sherman County citizens to ask for help from individuals and families.


Two-way communication activities aim to affect critical life and social skills, including decision-making, refusal skills, critical analysis (e.g. of media messages), and systematic judgment abilities.

Information dissemination:

The Prevention Program provides awareness and knowledge of the nature and extent of substance use, misuse, and high risk behaviors as well their effects on individuals, families, and communities. It also provides knowledge and awareness of available prevention programs, resources, and support services.


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