This Request for Applications is issued by Wasco, Wheeler, Sherman, Gilliam and Hood River Counties for the purpose of identifying eligible applicants to provide community dispute resolution services for Wasco, Wheeler, Sherman, Gilliam and Hood River County Counties, pursuant to ORS 36.155. These services are funded in part by a grant from the Grantor.
Grantor is charged with the responsibility of administering a Community Dispute Resolution Program (CDRP) grant fund pursuant to ORS 36.150 and 36.155 and UO Policy I.03.02. The focus of this grant program is to support the development and maintenance of community dispute resolution programs that assist citizens in resolving disputes and developing conflict resolution skills.
Assuming funding for 2019-2021 is reauthorized by the 2019 Legislature at the same level as the prior biennium, grant funds for your County will be approximately as follows for the period July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2021.
Wasco County $28,600.00 Sherman County $1,040.00
Gilliam County $ 1,040.00 Wheeler County $1,040.00
Hood River County $20,280.00
Click here to open the Request for Application Packet